Hey, guys! Over the past 20 years (amazing, my first website went live in 2002), I’ve seen everything in this online world. But one thing is for sure, since people have always been looking for information on the internet. These information can be about anything and can be found in various channels and tools offered by the virtual world (Google, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok…). I decided to gather and make available for free what I have learned, seen, and experienced so far about SEO (counting and learning daily). This post could be a book, but it’s just a blog post. Enjoy to your heart’s content.

Before anything, we need to understand that we are talking about people. People, in general, are curious. I’ve generated a lot of traffic for different sites with simple things like the age of a person who just went viral on the internet, the lyrics of a song that’s blowing up on WhatsApp, the sexual orientation of a handsome influencer, or even the relationship status of an English teacher who went viral on Tik Tok. People wanted to know if she was married or not. Believe it or not, there’s everything.

What does this have to do with SEO? First, we need to understand that SEO is an acronym that basically means “Search Engine Optimization”. That is, people are searching for content all the time, how do you optimize that content, the website, the video…. so that they find you? Remembering that everyone on the internet is looking for the same thing: to appear.

There’s no cake recipe, “do this and stay in first place”, because a lot of things change all the time. The fact is, new opportunities and challenges appear all the time. Much more than using technique x or y, you need to understand people and what they are looking for. Some people are already talking about SEO for NFTs, for example. Well, let’s talk about how I structured this article (which could easily be a book, lol).

I divided this article into 8 large blocks, they are:

  • What is SEO?
  • Diving Deep into SEO
  • Google Updates
  • SEO is not just Google
  • Going Beyond SEO
  • SEO Profession
  • Frequently Asked Questions about SEO
  • Frequent Technical Questions about SEO

This is the reduced index, I suggest you take a look at the full index below.

Oh, before you continue, I wanted to leave here my thanks to Naná (my wife), and Isabelle Miranda for all the help in building this post. It was so complete that I needed help to organize, write and compile everything. Thank you very much! You were great.

This article is a live article and is updated almost every day. So it is worth bookmarking and visiting it from time to time.


What is SEO?

As the name suggests, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is an optimization for search engines. That is, it is a set of techniques, tools, and strategies that enhance the possibility of a website to achieve a ranking in the search engine results pages.

Imagine this: the holidays are coming and you decide to travel. Some friends and family talked about some destinations that interest you and you would like to know more, or even find a completely new and different destination.

Where are you going to look for all this information? On the internet, right?

Nowadays, to make our searches on the internet, we rarely type the address of a company, organization or place directly.

The most common behavior is to type keywords into an internet search engine, such as Google.

And that’s where SEO – Search Engine Optimization comes in. The sites, answers, videos that appear there on the Google screen, have usually been optimized to appear there.

From there, it is already possible to know that by optimizing to appear on the first page of Google, you get more traffic and, consequently, more revenue, if it’s a website that generates revenue.

Why use SEO?

A great definition of why use SEO is from Maria Carolina Avis in the work “SEO for real”: “Being well ranked is a matter of survival in the current market, since there is a maxim on the internet, according to which if it is not on Google, it does not exist” (Avis, 2019, p. 24).

Therefore, the practice of SEO is essential for search engines to associate your site and position it well through well-designed keywords. In this way, you will be able to create, through planning and research, exactly a content based on the pain points of your clients. So, yes! You must use SEO to stand out. Be it on Google, on Youtube, on social media…

Wherever there is a search bar, you can optimize your content to appear there in the first results.

History of SEO

According to records, SEO emerged in 1997. However, there are three distinct perspectives on its origin.

Firstly, it is reported in the book Net Results: Web Marketing That Works (released in 1998), where Bob Heyman and Leland Harden are said to have verbally defined the term.

Secondly, Danny Sullivan mentions that the term Search Engine Optimization appeared in a publication on Usenet on July 26, 1997.

However, in the third and more concrete version, John Audette’s company (Multimedia Marketing Group) already had web pages in early 1997 that mentioned the term Search Engine Optimization.

The importance of appearing in the first positions on Google

A research by Hubspot showed that 75% of users who search Google don’t go beyond the first page of results. (observe your behavior, do you frequently go beyond the first page of Google?)

With the new generation of search engines, website links are sorted according to the relevance of each page’s content and according to the user’s intention (yes, depending on the words you use, it’s possible to know your search intention).

Therefore, if a competitor is well positioned on Google and your establishment is not, when a potential customer searches for the services you offer, they will only find the competitor’s page.

That’s why it’s important to use SEO techniques to rank well and increase the chances of accessing the page and, consequently, your number of customers.

How do search engines work?

You must be wondering how search engines work, right? Basically, search engines are a system responsible for searching files stored on internet servers.

They work as follows: the user searches a keyword and, as a result, the search engines deliver a list of links that lead to sites that mention the searched term.

Search engines are organized into 3 main types:

  • Hierarchical search engines
  • Directories
  • Meta-search engines

Each search engine has its own rules, factors and artificial intelligences that will dictate who appears first, second… and so on. Just because a page is first today doesn’t mean it will remain first in the next few months. There are many factors that will determine this, but if there is something that is consensus, it is that you need to prioritize the user in your content.

It’s no use optimizing your content to appear on the first page if it’s not what the user is looking for. They will go back to Google and continue searching. (This will indicate to Google that your site does not have good content for that keyword, and you may lose positions if this happens with many people).

How does Google work?

Google works based on the use of PageRank and has the premise that the most searched pages are linked, in greater quantity, to other pages.

Its search process revolves around identifying the importance and agreement of the content found on the internet with respect to the words used by the user, prioritizing the user as the most interested party.

In the official recommendations of Google, we have the following:

Google Recommendations for SEO

  • Make your site interesting and useful.
  • Know what your readers want (and give it to them)
  • Act in a way that cultivates user trust.
  • Make your experience and authority clear.
  • Provide an adequate amount of content for your subject.
  • Avoid distracting advertisements.
  • Use links wisely.

That’s it! Simple as that, but it’s not because it’s simple that it’s easy to do. Let’s understand it a little better as we go along in the text.

Ranking Factors in Google

What are the main ranking factors in Google? That’s the million-dollar question when it comes to SEO. And the answer is simple: nobody knows for sure.

But hold on! Although nobody has absolute certainty about which ones are the most important, it is a fact that ranking factors exist.

For example, Backlink has a page – frequently updated – with over 200 factors.

Now, take a look at the following list of the most important ranking factors in Google:

  • PageRank
  • Domain authority
  • Link relevance
  • Original and high-quality content
  • Keyword in title
  • Keyword in content
  • Dwell time
  • Loading speed
  • Responsive design
  • Image optimization
  • Usability
  • SSL certificate

Although it is not certain that these are the most important ranking factors, they will make a difference on your website.

The much talked-about Google algorithm

The Google algorithm is one of the most influential technological tools ever created, and it is estimated that more than 5.6 billion searches are performed per day.

Because it is so influential, the algorithm is constantly changing to deliver Google’s main mission: increasingly relevant and useful results.

Therefore, to keep up with Google’s changes, it is important to stay up-to-date with the main updates, and you can do so by consulting SEO specialist websites and also through Google’s own help resources.

Check out this list of Google resources to keep up with the latest news on how Google works and updates to the algorithm:

  • Google Search News
  • Support Center
  • Google Search Central on Twitter
  • Danny Sullivan, @searchliaison admin;
  • Twitter @searchliaison;

Is SEO still relevant in 2023?

Yes, SEO is still relevant in 2023, and content marketing is gaining more and more prominence, as it is through SEO that you increase the chances of content being positioned in search engines and found by your target audience. However, it’s worth understanding that now it’s not enough to know SEO focused on text, you need to optimize videos, social media, guides… anything that can address user pain points.

Black Hat Techniques vs. White Hat Techniques

Now that you know there are various SEO strategies to get your website to rank well on Google, let’s talk about the types of hackers to avoid breaking web rules and suffering a penalty – which could result in a 90% drop in your website’s audience.

Therefore, today we will discuss the differences between Black Hat and White Hat.

Black Hat

Firstly, Black Hat refers to hackers who manipulate search engine algorithms to ensure that their desired pages always appear at the top, even without the application of a digital strategy.

Discovery of this type of action could lead to your website being permanently banned from the digital world.

White Hat

On the other hand, White Hat refers to tools and techniques that do not violate search engine rules to increase your visibility online.

In summary, White Hat is the implementation of genuine SEO techniques.

What is SEO Writing? 

SEO Writing is a process of creating, planning, and optimizing content with the objective of highlighting it on the first pages of Google. The key is to have good content and strategic writing, designed for search engines and users.

With this technique, you will be able to attract qualified leads (potential customers) to your site, making communication more effective and conversion more efficient.

Keyword Research: What is it and how to do it?

After all, how do people find content? The answer is simple: through keyword searches.

A keyword is the term a user types into a search engine when conducting a search. If what they typed is a keyword for a page on your site, the chances of that page appearing in organic search are very high.

Here are the types of keywords:


Long-tail keywords are considered the gold mine of content marketing because they are longer and more specific. As a result, the content will be more targeted to a specific point and the traffic more qualified.


On the other hand, short-tail keywords are more concise and general, and therefore have a higher search volume. Ranking high on Google with short-tail keywords is more difficult because the competition for them is much higher.

How to do keyword research

Now it’s time to get to work!

Here’s how to do effective keyword research:

First and foremost, you need to define the content’s topic. This is the first step in researching keywords.

The second step is to choose a keyword research tool. Below are three that are great for this:

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • SEMRush
  • Keywordtool.io

These tools are very intuitive and will show you great keyword opportunities to use in your text. To get more ideas of what to write, I like to also search for keywords in the Answer the Public tool.

Now that you know how to choose a keyword through consistent research, see what the main writing and SEO techniques are:

What are the main writing and SEO techniques?

Above all, in writing and SEO, there is a set of practices created to facilitate the organization of online content.

Here are some specific techniques:

  • Use of keywords
  • Organization in subheadings
  • Scannability
  • Tags
  • Images with ALT description
  • Link Building

By following these techniques, the text will be optimized for SEO and the results of your site will be better.

What are transition words?

Primarily, for a text to be well-written, it is important to have words that connect ideas and phrases.

This is a necessary factor when it comes to SEO, as Google prioritizes user experience. Thus, transition words show the reader the relationship between sentences and paragraphs.

This results in quality content and a more pleasant experience for the reader, and subsequently, better ranking.

What is Cornerstone Content?

Cornerstone Content is one of the most important elements when it comes to SEO, as this content is the most comprehensive, reliable, and high-quality.

That is where the most valuable information is included.

What are Topic Clusters?

Topic Clusters are the organization of content into specific groups that revolve around a main topic.

This organization was created by HubSpot, which observed changes in how online searches are conducted and how search engines respond to these queries.

How to do internal linking?

To do internal linking, simply add links that point to another page on your own site.

This strategy plays a fundamental role in the performance of a site, both in search engines and for users.

However, it is not simply linking everything to everything. One way to do internal linking is to have a more comprehensive main post with several links to internal posts that are more specific. And the specific posts of that topic should also be linked to the main post.

Image Optimization for SEO

Image optimization for SEO is also very important for ranking better in online searches. Above all, the best practices are:

  • File name with the keyword
  • Image caption
  • ALT text
  • Images with a 16:9 or 4:3 ratio
  • Responsive images (for mobile)
  • Formats accepted by Google (JPEG, PNG, MBP, GIF, WebP, and SVG)

WebP has been the most used format for optimizing site speed (we will delve deeper into this topic later on).

The Importance of Link Building

Link building is extremely important for SEO strategy, as it gives a website authority in a search engine through external links that direct users to their domain. When links point to a page, it gains points for positioning on Google.

A commonly used link building strategy is to partner with other sites. This way, one company promotes the link of another, and organic credibility is improved. This is a big market for famous PR (public relations) and press agencies.

What are backlinks?

Backlinks are, in a simplified way, a link made from one site to another. Search engines use the quality and number of backlinks as a ranking signal.

Thus, every link received gives sites authority, and the greater the authority, the greater the chance of achieving a good position.

How to get backlinks?

As you might imagine, establishing a good number of backlinks is a bit more challenging than paying some other website owners to mention one of your pages.

But don’t worry! I’ll list 4 backlink strategies that will help you improve your rankings and have a positive impact on your visibility in search results.

  • Social media links
  • Links on forums
  • Links on guide sites
  • Guest Posts
  • Top SEO Tools

First of all, today, it is impossible to do a content marketing strategy without thinking about SEO. Therefore, there are the top SEO tools to help you optimize your site.

Check them out:

Google Analytics Universal and Google Analytics 4

The Google Analytics 4, launched in 2020, is the new version of Universal Analytics and came with differences in tools and interface. They serve to monitor the profile of those who access your site, analyzing conversions, devices used, cities, and other data.

Google Search Console

The purpose of Google Search Console (Webmaster Tools) is to diagnose and detect SEO problems on web pages.

Thus, it lets you know where your site is ranking in the search engine, as well as analyzing which keywords are capable of generating more results for your business.

See some data that Google Search Console provides for analysis:

  • Clicks;
  • CTR;
  • Impressions;
  • Average positions;
  • Site health;
  • Indexing of pages;
  • Internal linking;
  • Performance data for videos.


SEMRush is a tool that evaluates the performance of your site, highlighting its faults and keyword positions.

In addition, its content analysis function suggests keywords to be used during the text.


Ahrefs is an SEO tool created to analyze link building metrics and links that a page or domain receives, in addition to offering important data to make an SEO plan and resources for those who need to do benchmarking.


The Ubersuggest tool is used to discover how your interest keywords are being explored and suggests other words that can contribute to the construction of your content.

In addition, you can discover the most searched terms by an audience and what catches users’ attention the most.

Answer the Public

Answer the Public is an interesting and effective tool for thinking about new ideas for your content. In this sense, it prioritizes an extremely important factor in an SEO strategy: search intent, shortening the path for those who need to generate traffic, leads, and sales.

GT Metrix

GTmetrix is a tool that allows you to know, in detail, the loading of your site or blog. It indicates the download time of each element, which makes it possible to make optimizations so that the user has the best possible experience in terms of speed.

Thus, you can know exactly how many visits occur daily or monthly, which posts are most popular, and what is the click-through rate on links, buttons, and ads.

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is a free tool from Google that helps measure the loading speed of a web page, as well as suggesting improvements in specific areas to optimize loading according to what Google considers ideal.

Google Trends

Google Trends allows you to track the evolution of the number of searches for a particular keyword over time. When searching for a word, Google Trends displays a graph with the time and volume of searches.

The tool gathers a huge database to show you which topics are being searched at the moment, and which were searched in the last 30 days.

SEO Plugins for WordPress

Which is the best SEO plugin for WordPress is the question of almost all CMS users. This is because it is a necessary tool to improve site performance.

See below for SEO plugins for WordPress:

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is one of the best and most used SEO plugins for WordPress in the market. The tool allows the user to add SEO titles and descriptions to all posts and pages that make up the site.

The plugin also:

  • controls index settings;
  • performs content analysis;
  • adds Open Graph metadata;
  • incorporates social media images into articles;
  • automatically generates XML site maps;
  • helps in importing SEO data.


SEOPress is a very powerful SEO plugin for WordPress. It includes all known features to maintain a good SEO strategy, such as title, meta description, support for open graphs, creation of XML sitemaps, redirects, and more.

In addition, it is one of the plugins that follows the white hat guidelines and rules imposed by WordPress and search engines.

See other plugin features:

  • helps highlight posts on social networks;
  • inclusive color scheme to increase visibility for people with color vision deficiencies;
  • support for keyboard navigation and screen reader;
  • prevents content duplication.

SEO Framework

The SEO Framework also follows the performance guidelines required by WordPress and search engines and is integrable with other plugins installed in the CMS, being fast, responsive, and helping to avoid canonical errors for categories and pages.

Other plugin features:

  • reduces the occurrence of 404 errors by interrupting pagination processes in WordPress;
  • automatically notifies search engines about site updates when sitemaps are enabled;
  • directs search engines from comment pages;
  • has high compatibility with WordPress and PHP technology;
  • recognizes and renders Unicode characters (UTF-8).
  • ensures accessibility for visually impaired individuals through a properly chosen color scheme and keyboard navigation.

WP Rocket 

WP Rocket is a WordPress cache plugin that promises performance optimization through a considerable improvement in page loading time. Among its features, we can mention:

  • Page caching creation;
  • Browser caching creation;
  • HTML, JavaScript, and CSS file compression;
  • Lazyload, a feature that helps with image loading;
  • Database optimization;
  • Compatibility with specific e-commerce plugins, such as WooCommerce;
  • GZIP compression;
  • Sitemap preloading;
  • Google Fonts optimization;
  • JavaScript loading;
  • DNS prefetching;
  • Mobile device detection.

The SEO plugin should be incorporated into your website to ensure the necessary optimization for page ranking. However, the choice of the best SEO plugin for WordPress depends on the project’s needs.

Chrome extensions for SEO

According to StatCounter, Google Chrome has a little over 44% of participation, being the most used browser on smartphones, desktops, and tablets, from July 2008 to April 2015.

The main reasons for Google Chrome’s giant popularity are its style and speed.

With just one click, you can install extensions that will help you increase productivity. Check out some of these extensions:

Evernote Web Clipper

Evernote has great note-taking features and saves articles to read later, as well as allowing you to edit images and notes with software (Skitch). It is located in the upper right side of Chrome.


This is another useful tool for saving articles and videos to be viewed later. Like the web clipper, Pocket also has the ability to add tags to aid in easier exploration and story retrieval. Furthermore, your articles and videos will be available on any device (that you have synced) for later reading.

Keyword Surfer

With this platform, you can view word search volumes directly from Google search results pages without having to enter any application.


Finally, Moz has created a Chrome extension called Mozbar, which shows you the domain authority of any web page. This extension allows you to research potential competitors, quickly showing you how you compare to them, and when on the site, you can easily identify the pages of higher authority that you need to analyze.

SEO Metrics

When working on SEO, it is essential to track the main metrics. All the data collected helps measure what happens on a site, and through them, it is possible to direct actions and next steps.

One of the primary tools used by SEO professionals to measure site traffic is Google Analytics. If you still don’t use this tool, I’ll leave the link for you to access Google Analytics and create your account for free.

After analyzing SEO metrics, you have an overview of the results of your efforts, allowing you to demonstrate the impact you are having and identify any problems before they worsen.


The goal of an SEO strategy is to generate a return on investment (ROI). This return can be an investment in team and internal resources or in an agency. Basically, it’s you getting more money back than you spent.

Therefore, monitoring the ROI of your SEO activities is essential for the simple reason that it is the best measure of success that exists – having more money in the bank than you are spending.


Measuring and tracking organic conversions (sales and leads) is a great way to demonstrate success. An increase in organic conversions can be easily attributed to your efforts.

To track conversions, you can use Google Analytics. There, you can choose goals for lead conversions and track sales by channel.

Organic visibility and sessions

Organic visibility is a KPI you can measure and document. For this, you can analyze the growth in impressions in Google Search Console.

This is the perfect way to show continuous visibility growth, as impressions show the searches for which your site was visible, even if they didn’t result in clicks.

Thus, growth in organic impressions should result in an increase in organic sessions. This is where you can start to demonstrate a real impact of your SEO strategy.

This is probably one of the most important SEO metrics because once your efforts have an effect, it means organic traffic.

Rejection rate

Another KPI is the rejection rate. This is an important metric to know if your content is attracting those who arrive on your page.

It can also be a great way to understand how relevant it is to the search queries for which it is ranked.


Similarly, this is an extremely useful metric to show the performance of your site, as seeing your main keywords rise in rankings means that your strategy is starting to work.


Backlinks are one of the main ranking factors. Therefore, you need to know how to obtain new links and find links with defects.

Average time on page

The more time a user spends on a page, the more engaged they become. Therefore, the chances of this person converting are higher. That’s why you need to measure the average time people spend on your page and think of ways to increase this metric.

Page speed

Primarily, the speed of your site is something that can negatively impact rankings – and consequently, conversions. Therefore, it is worth keeping an eye on this.

How to generate leads with SEO?

Before answering this question, it’s important to reinforce that SEO will help you increase your page’s visibility and, therefore, increase traffic.

Therefore, there is a greater potential for lead generation and customer acquisition.

With that in mind, I’ve separated some strategies for you to use and generate leads with SEO, see:

  • Discover what your client searches for on the internet
  • Explore keywords well
  • Do on-page SEO
  • Get some partners for backlinking
  • Adopt a responsive and adaptive design

By applying these strategies, your website will have better visibility and can generate more leads!

Google Discovery

Google Discover is a Google feature for mobile devices and aims to bring reading suggestions in a feed format based on the user’s own preferences.

On mobile devices, the feature can be accessed through the Google app (Android | iOS) or on the Chrome homepage.

The main difference between the two is that, in search, it is necessary to type in a term to access related content. Discovery offers results based on search trends and user interests.

The tool values recent content and makes room for materials considered useful.

Google News

If you have a news portal, you certainly want to be among the top results on Google News!

Google News is a tool from the search engine that selects the main headlines of a specific subject to keep your reader well informed.

It is a mechanism that makes it easier to view news in the search engine and its differential is that it presents headlines from different portals and, in the same way as organic search results, filters through an algorithm the qualified pages for what the reader wants to know.

Pretty cool, huh?

Google Web Stories

Web Stories are like Instagram Stories and display information in an easy and quick-to-understand format.

They have a carousel style and usually appear to users who use Google on their mobile device. Since most people consume news on their mobile device, Google Web Stories can be a great source of traffic for your website or blog!

The main strong point is the images that fill the mobile screen and slide horizontally to navigate – just like on Instagram.

In addition, Web Stories can have text to complement the user experience.


or Accelerated Mobile Pages, is one of Google’s ranking factors as it improves speed and, consequently, the user experience.

In this sense, configuring AMPs can be very advantageous for your website! Essentially, AMP is a Google technology that speeds up website loading.

It aims to create a standard for web pages that can be opened on mobile phones much faster than the usual without needing faster internet.

Tips for appearing on Google

Many people believe that posting something on their site is enough to be on the first pages of Google. However, you need to follow SEO strategies.

Appearing on Google is essential if you want to succeed in your business. After all, as author Maria Carolina Avis says, “if it’s not on Google, it doesn’t exist!”

Continue reading for 7 tips you need to consider to achieve good organic results (without paying for it).

Tip 1 – Understand the criteria

The first thing you need to do is understand the criteria used by Google. The search engine seeks to point out the best results for each search made according to the user’s search intentions.

Tip 2 – Name the pages

Put the right names on your website pages. Site tracking is done by Googlebot and, therefore, it is important that the pages have the correct and easy-to-understand names.

The idea of Googlebot is that it has the same experience as any other person.

Tip 3 – Present the content hierarchically

Information on the internet should also follow this logic. Therefore, it is important to structure your website content hierarchically. To do this, use header tags to help the user and algorithm better understand the information presented.

Tip 4 – Use internal and external links

A very important tip for appearing on Google is to use internal and external links. They will favor and complement the user experience, being very well-regarded by Google.

Tip 5 – Invest in producing good content

Well-produced and quality texts make visitors stay longer on your site, and the search engine values this a lot.

Therefore, if you produce SEO-optimized content, with relevant content that interests your target audience, your positioning in the results will be better.

Tip 6 – Keep an eye on your competitors

Your competitors can provide important information on how to improve your position in search results.

It’s very simple, just search for the keyword you’ve defined and analyze what your competitors are doing, including the headlines they are using.

You can also use sites like Semrush and Ubersuggest to analyze what your competitors are doing.

Tip 7 – Personalize your website URL

It’s very important that you personalize your website URL so that your ranking improves. Additionally, Google reads the links and associates them with the published content.

Finally, follow these tips and then tell me if your site has yielded results! The eighth tip is to continue reading this post, as we will now delve a little deeper into SEO.

Understanding SEO thoroughly

Understand the strategies and techniques that will improve your site’s ranking!

On-page SEO (On-site)

On-Page SEO refers to all the strategies and optimizations done within a page. Those that I’ve already mentioned, such as keywords in the title and subtitle, optimizing images with ALT and caption.

It also applies to information architecture, meta tags, and choosing the most appropriate URL. In other words, when you apply all the SEO strategies to your content, it is On-Page SEO.

Checklist for On-Page SEO

See this checklist for good On-Page SEO:

Title: The Page Title is not necessarily the article title or the page name for visitors. In fact, it’s a property of HTML code, identified by the phrase that appears in the browser tab or Google results page. When we’re talking about On-Page SEO, the Page Title is the most important element of all.

Meta Description: It is a code inserted on the page that does not interfere with the ranking factor. In other words, the keywords in the description will not be responsible for improving or worsening the position of a page on Google. Its purpose is to show the user what the page is about and convince them that it is worth clicking on the link to read the content. Therefore, filling the Meta Description with an attractive text can greatly increase the click-through rate when your site appears among the results. That’s why it’s an important On-page SEO optimization.

URL: Another element that Google’s robot scans for keywords is the page’s own address. Therefore, it is essential that your URL be descriptive and contain the chosen keyword. For example: “http://site.com.br/post-name“.

Images: There are basically three items that we should always analyze in a page’s images when talking about On-page SEO: the file name, the alternative text (alt text), the file size (weight), and the context. These items are responsible for helping Google determine the subject of the image inserted on that page.

Headings: Headings are elements that indicate the priority of some parts of the page over others, ranging from H1 to H6, with H1 being the most important content. Headings are indicated by codes <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6>. In most cases, H1 is intended for the page title, and the other codes for subtitles, maintaining an important hierarchy of priorities for Google’s robot.

Internal Linking: The entire internet is composed of links and users navigate through them all the time, just like the robots of each search engine. Therefore, your site needs to have well-applied internal linking.

Sitemap.xml: There are many actions that can be taken on sites that facilitate reading and interpretation of the site for search engine robots. An important action is the creation of sitemap.xml, which is a file specifically designed to make the search engine find more pages on your site.

Off-page SEO

Now that you have learned about On-Page SEO, let me explain Off-Page SEO. It is a set of strategies applied outside of your pages with the aim of demonstrating your relevance in the market. This way, you can improve your positioning in search engines.

For Google, it’s not enough to just find your content, understand what it’s about, and analyze how the pages are structured. They also want to know how the site relates to the rest of the web.

But how do you do this? It’s relatively simple: you need to receive links and mentions from other pages and, if they are relevant and trustworthy, your site will earn more points with Google.

The logic behind this is as follows: people only share and reference what really has quality and offers some value to them, right?

For the search engine, the links and mentions that a site receives show what other sites think about it. And this is a strong indication of its relevance to the market, which is crucial for ranking on Google.

Technical SEO

We have already talked about On-Page and Off-Page SEO and to complete it, we will talk about Technical SEO.

It is the set of optimizations related to the internal structure of a site. In other words, the intention here is that pages become faster, more understandable, crawlable, and indexable – the basics for the rest of the SEO strategy to work.

It is part of On-Page SEO, which represents the optimizations that are under your control, within your pages.

This type of SEO is the principle of any search engine optimization strategy. Therefore, it is where you should start because this part of the optimization ensures that your links are found and indexed in the Google directory.

Below are the main factors of Technical SEO that you need to optimize for good results, check it out:

  • Page speed
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Crawling errors
  • Site architecture
  • Images
  • File name
  • Alt text
  • File size
  • Format
  • Dimensions
  • Loading
  • HTTP status

Core Web Vitals: What are they and how to use them to your advantage?

Google Core Web Vitals are three specific metrics related to your website’s performance and user experience. As I’ve mentioned before, user experience is essential and in Core Web Vitals, this is the main point to consider. It’s related to speed, responsiveness, and visual stability.

These metrics are a vital experience ranking factor for Google search results pages. Additionally, they also help increase engagement rates and reduce bounce rates, ensuring a good user experience.

See how everything revolves around user experience? Pay attention to that!

E-A-T: How to use user experience to your advantage?

E-A-T stands for “Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trust,” and it’s part of Google’s quality assessment guidelines, considered a probable and important ranking factor for many sites, as it increases the chances of getting more traffic.

You can use E-A-T by thinking about how to deliver the best result to users.

What is Semantic SEO?

Semantic SEO is the practice of optimizing online content through strategies that define a semantic field. It connects data, information, and content to make your website make sense within this context.

The main objective is to make interaction with users less mechanical and more context-oriented. Applying this resource brings benefits to both sides: Google can offer search results more aligned with what the user wants, while that person, even if they don’t detail their search so much, finds what they were looking for.

That’s why it’s so important to understand what Semantic SEO is and how to use it.

How to capture user search intent?

Every search carries the intent to solve a doubt. However, these intentions are not always evident, since each person uses different words to try to find an answer.

That’s why search engines make great efforts to understand human language and uncover people’s search intent. With this understanding, robots can search the index for content that meets the needs of the person who searched.

Due to this, search intent is important because it reveals what the user’s question is when they type a term into the search box.

Search intent is divided into three to four types:

  • Informational
  • Navigational
  • Transactional
  • Commercial

Next, I’ll show you a little more about each of them.

Informational Search

Informational search aims to learn more about a subject or clear up doubts. Basically, it is searching for more information about something.

SEO articles are created, almost exclusively, for this intention, attracting users at different stages of the sales funnel.

A good example of this search is when a user searches for “what is a knife”. The answer the user wants is to understand what this tool is.

Navigational Search

This type of search is characterized by the user’s intention to find a specific web page.

A good example is company names. When a user searches, for example, “Dior”, the result they expect is the company’s official website and the Google My Business listing.

However, navigational searches can also be more comprehensive, but with the same objective.

Transactional Search

Finally, the transactional search occurs when an intention to purchase is identified by the user.

In this search, there is no clear indication of the specific product or suppliers, putting the user in the consideration stage of the customer journey.

That is, they want to make the purchase, but are still comparing different models, suppliers, or product characteristics.

This is the case with the intention detected by Google for the search for “best knives”, for example.

Commercial Search

Commercial search usually occurs after transactional search. It is when the customer wants to actually buy a product or hire a service.

This is where Google identifies that the user who performs a search for “knives” has a commercial search intention.

To understand the consumer’s search intention, it is necessary to put yourself in their place and try to understand what their purpose is when performing the search.

How to Perform a Technical SEO Audit?

Performing an SEO audit on your site is not an option, it is a necessity. Therefore, if you want to know how to perform an SEO Audit, keep reading.

This is the process of identifying problems or errors that can prevent your site from being ranked on Google and other search engines.

Mobile SEO

Mobile SEO proposes a true “revamp” of websites that need to adapt to the new behavior standard of internet users. After all, the cellphone has become an essential piece in people’s routine.

This technique includes adjustments to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript codes of pages to new parameters in planning and content production.

It’s important to emphasize that unlike what many people think, having a responsive website is not enough – although this is also one of the factors analyzed in a Mobile Marketing strategy.

Some essential items of Mobile SEO that you need to pay attention to are:

  • Speed: content and page elements loading time;
  • Page size: data consumption on limited internet plans;
  • Fidelity: similarity with the desktop version in terms of resources and content;
  • UX (User Experience): visualization, navigation, agility, and others;
  • Usage pattern: frequent access, but in short periods of time.

Local SEO

You have certainly already searched for a product or service using search engines, right?

This is an increasingly common behavior, and thinking about it, many companies have sought to position themselves so that their websites are located and are in the first positions.

And that’s where the need for Local SEO comes in!

Geolocation is essential for the survival of companies that depend on physical establishments, such as restaurants, stores, clinics, pet shops, among others.

In this sense, Local SEO aims at optimizing search engines taking into account geolocation (Google Maps, for example). Other resources are also considered, such as social media, so that the user finds a solution close to where they are.

To do Local SEO, it is recommended to use the Site Analysis tool, which will help you analyze the performance of your website and SEO.

But I’ll also leave you with a step-by-step guide to do it now:

  • Create a Google My Business. Click here
  • Be present on segment social media
  • Partner with local blogs
  • Produce interesting content
  • Encourage your customers to rate your business

Check if your data is correct everywhere

In addition to these steps, building authority is essential for your company to attract more customers and make them loyal. For this, you can create your own blog and develop local content that helps people.

Doing Local SEO is very important and has several advantages, such as:

  • Increase visibility in the region
  • Encourages action-taking
  • Increases business authority
  • Attracts new audiences

If you have a business, putting Local SEO into practice and creating an online presence strategy is indispensable – even if your business focus is on the audience geographically closest to you.

Ignoring this aspect can lead you to miss out on great opportunities for your brand and make it a reference. It’s not something you want, right?

So, put into practice the tips from this text and see the results come!

Affiliate SEO

We know the affiliate market as a market focused on paid traffic. But what if I told you there’s a world of possibilities for those who want to do SEO for affiliate marketing? However, there’s one catch: it’s not enough to think that you’ll publish a text today and start making sales. It took me 18 months to see my first sale as an affiliate using 100% organic traffic. So, I had to be patient and do a lot of optimization.

Regarding Affiliate SEO, I highlight the following points:

Keyword research: especially long-tail keywords. You need to understand which words/phrases are being searched and where they are in each part of the marketing funnel. Are they top-of-the-funnel keywords? Bottom-of-the-funnel keywords? For me, what works are middle and bottom-of-the-funnel keywords.

Make many lists and comparisons: X best courses/products, product Y vs. product Z: which one is the best?

With these two points, patience, and creativity, you can achieve a lot. Today, I sell daily organically using Affiliate SEO.

SEO for Startups

To create authority in a business, it’s ideal to use SEO strategies for Startups to improve website positioning, be on the first pages of search engines, and generate sales.

Through these strategies, combined with good content, companies can gain relevance in search engines and, consequently, new customers.

Applying these strategies in your Startup has a variety of advantages that you wouldn’t want to miss. Here are some of them:

It’s possible to measure traffic and conversions generated by good SEO

This way, you can evaluate how many clicks your site had in the current month compared to the previous month and find out if changes in a particular text, for example, were effective or not. From this, you can create strategies for better results.

There are no high costs

SEO is relatively cheap compared to what your startup would spend on ads. And it continues to generate results as you optimize. Ads, on the other hand, are expenses that you would have to make frequently, and if you stop investing, they stop generating results.

Having an SEO specialist can bring enormous benefits to your startup

These professionals keep an eye on market search trends and can adapt your content accordingly. An example is voice search, which demands completely different content. After all, we speak in a different way than we write.

The constant monitoring of the algorithm is another advantage of having good SEO

Google is always changing its algorithm, so having people focused on those changes will make your content better and rank higher in the search engine. Consequently, your startup will always be well positioned.

The traffic generated by SEO tends to convert more

To be honest, the best source of conversion for most businesses is a well-positioned website on Google. Therefore, being well-positioned for important keywords in your business can bring in new customers.

SEO generates trust and credibility

If your startup appears in first place, people will believe it is the best in the area. And the best almost always sells more.

Now that you know that SEO is of extreme importance for your startup, how about applying these strategies?

SEO for Alexa

Have you ever thought about how to do SEO for Alexa? Voice search has become very popular in recent years, and you’ve surely seen or heard of an Alexa, right?

Alexa is used to assist you in your daily life and has functions for searching on Google and playing music on YouTube, and the command is very simple: just say what you want.

Due to this new user behavior of searching by voice, new marketing tools have emerged to adapt to this new reality, and one of them is Voice Search Optimization, also known as VSO.

This tool has emerged due to the significant growth of voice searches on mobile devices. Just as there is SEO for text, there is now VSO, but the difference is that all the study is carried out based on characteristics of voice search – as the way we speak is different from how we express ourselves in writing.

But how are voice searches made after all?

These searches are faster, more practical, and depending on the situation, more useful.

To optimize SEO for Alexa, you need to understand how your consumer relates to searches and devices. It is very important that you focus on conversational words and long-tail keywords to get closer to the customer.

A good strategy is to create an FAQ page answering the main questions searched related to your product.

To do this, generate content that has quick answers. A good example is tutorial videos on YouTube, which are usually quick.

With the growing preference for fast and increasingly mobile interactions, doing SEO for your site’s voice is no longer a differential, but a necessity!

SEO for E-commerce

SEO for E-commerce is a set of techniques and strategies to improve your position in search engines and grow. Therefore, we can define SEO for e-commerce as the process that goes from planning to implementing optimizations of your organic visibility.

The result is more brand recognition, increased traffic, and consequently, more business.

To draw up an SEO strategy, it is interesting that you study and have in mind the main characteristics of your entire market of action.

After all, the focus of SEO for e-commerce should be the customer because Google prioritizes those who offer the best user experience.

This will help identify your optimization opportunities, as everything will come from a comprehensive view of the main points of your business, internally and externally.

And what are the SEO strategies for e-commerce?

Among the SEO strategies for e-commerce, it is essential that you start by doing a good keyword research, as it will guide your entire strategy and help you establish objectives along the way.

After that, produce good content that addresses customers’ questions and shows opportunities. You can create a blog for that.

Finally, by applying the basic SEO strategies already mentioned, your e-commerce will achieve better results!

SEO for B2B Companies

The objective of SEO for B2B companies is to increase traffic and organic search rankings. To achieve this, it’s important for your company to have a website so that other businesses searching for your product or service can find you.

Once you have a website, it’s crucial to create a solid strategy for your business. In SEO for B2B companies, you can follow these 7 steps:

  1. Create ideal personas
  2. Structure your sales funnel
  3. Conduct keyword research related to your personas
  4. Develop a keyword strategy to target buyers in different stages of the funnel
  5. Create a content strategy that can be expanded
  6. Promote your content to gain backlinks
  7. By following these steps, your company will be optimized for SEO and more easily found.

SEO for Blogs

Using SEO strategies for blogs is essential if you want your site to be more visible to those searching for keywords associated with your brand, product, or service through search engines like Google.

If you don’t know where to start, let me help you! Here are some tips:

  1. Focus on one or two long-tail keywords and include them in specific parts of your post.
  2. Optimize your blog for mobile devices, as people consume more content on their phones.
  3. Include your keyword in the meta description and images to increase your chances of appearing on Google.
  4. Create internal links when possible and always update your content. It’s also important to look at the most frequently asked topics on Google and answer them in your text.
  5. Track results through Google’s Search Console and suggest improvements!

See how easy it is to do good SEO for blogs? Of course, there are other SEO strategies and you can consult them in this post.

SEO for Websites in General

You may have noticed that Google and other search engines have become digital billboards for companies. Today, it’s impossible to have a content marketing strategy without thinking about SEO.

Therefore, just as there is a need for it, there are several SEO tools on the market to help you optimize your website.

To have a successful website, it’s important to keep up with market trends and innovations to make improvements as necessary.

Now, let’s learn more about some important topics for SEO on websites in general.

Title Tag

The title tag is considered (by far) the most influential attribute for SEO techniques for websites, as the search engine’s algorithm aims to highlight the relevance of the typed topic in the search box with the content of the sites presented in the results.

This way, it can offer the user a better experience in the search process.

To optimize the title tag, you can use important parameters such as:

  • Not exceeding the limit of 65 characters;
  • Establishing a pattern for titles;
  • Using the page name in all title tags;
  • Using keywords that are within the context and make sense;
  • Repeating the title in the page content.

Link Building

If the previous attribute is considered the most important, this one undoubtedly requires more care and criteria in its development. However, it is the one that can bring more results.

Like the title, it is also responsible for the site’s positioning in the ranking, highlighting the relevance and popularity of a site.

And for a link to be really efficient, it is necessary to be careful with factors such as the anchor text keyword.

Quality and quantity are two other necessary characteristics to obtain a functional link profile. Learn more about these two items:

Link Quality

The level of link quality can be measured through various factors, with anchor text being one of the main ones. It defines the main subject of the page to which the link refers. Therefore, the best links are natural ones, as search engines have resources to identify links that achieve high metrics.

Link Quantity

Having a quantity of links consists of a diversity of types of link domains and domains that link to the site. The important thing is to combine the quantity of links with the diversity of content, all with related content.

Here, the focus must be on your user. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to their intention at the time of the search.

Put these 3 tips into practice and wait for the results, because they will surely surprise you!

SEO for Wix

If you want to put SEO for Wix into practice, keep reading this post.

Optimizing your SEO for Wix ensures excellent user experience. Therefore, you need to have clean pages, without an excess of information and give the reader exactly what they want.

In this sense, it is important to prioritize the opening time of the site to maintain the visitor’s attention.

In addition to providing fast and efficient navigation, it is crucial to meet the criteria evaluated by Google’s algorithm and make intelligent use of keywords. After all, these terms are responsible for leading the visitor to specific content and therefore, should be used strategically.

So, if you use a blog to share your content, include the keyword in important places such as the opening paragraphs of the text, the headings, and the subheadings.

But remember: the priority should always be to deliver content to the user.

Another fundamental factor is the optimization of your titles and meta descriptions. They are responsible for briefly summarizing to the Google user what they will find in the content.

Wix itself allows the editing of these functionalities, just go to the page settings and click on “page SEO”.

Following the SEO tips of Wix, your results in searches will greatly improve!

SEO for Journalists

SEO for journalists is very important because the information needs to reach the largest number of people.

This is what every professional or journalism vehicle aims for – and this is one of the main goals of SEO for journalists.

One of the greatest sources of current information is Google, and therefore, journalists and credible vehicles need to do good SEO to appear on the first page of the world’s most used search engine.

And SEO for journalists aims to make the pages of journalism professionals and vehicles conquer these positions.

Therefore, SEO for journalists brings a series of benefits for the survival and competitiveness of communication vehicles, such as:

  • Visibility
  • Organic traffic
  • Monetization
  • Authority
  • New readers

If you want your site to have all these benefits, do SEO!

SEO for Landing Pages

Did you know that the two most important metrics to analyze on a Landing Page are traffic and conversion? This means that to generate leads, you need to attract interested people to your Landing Page.

After they arrive, you need to demonstrate the benefit of the offer to convince them to exchange their personal information for the material offered.

And what is the best way to do this?

Yes, through search engines! And they stand out for a very clear reason: they offer qualified traffic and at the right time when the person is looking for information.

Therefore, optimizing your Landing Page to be among the first results of Google means that the visitor will need to go through fewer steps to convert and become a lead.

In this way, directly offering rich content can greatly increase your conversion rate!

To achieve this goal, apply SEO strategies to your Landing Pages.

International SEO

International SEO refers to practices that can help a website based in one country stand out to users from other countries or speakers of other languages.

This strategy can offer a scalable and cost-effective way to grow and reach foreign target markets.

To do this, add regional keywords to your SEO strategy, create original and quality content across countries, make your site mobile-friendly, use the hreflang attribute, and monitor and measure your results.

By adding these small things, you’ll see your website have a wider reach.

SEO for the App Store and Play Store

Have you heard of ASO? It’s an optimization strategy for apps, just like SEO is for Google.

The idea of ASO is to prepare your app to appear prominently in the app store rankings and grab the attention of users amidst a sea of other options across various categories.

The basic principles of App Store Optimization differ from regular SEO, and it’s important that you know the differences:

In SEO, the search engines are pages like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, while in ASO, the search engines are the app stores themselves: the Apple App Store and Google Play;

The most important structural requirements in ASO are the app title, description, use of keywords, backlinks, reviews, and ratings, while in SEO, the most important structural requirements are title tags, header hierarchy, keyword density, backlinks, and meta tags;

The objectives of ASO are to increase the number of downloads, improve conversion rates, and reduce the uninstall rate, while in SEO, the objectives are to reduce bounce rates, increase page visibility, increase traffic, and improve conversions.

As you can see, it’s crucial to do ASO for your app so it stands out from the crowd and gets downloaded the most.

SEO for a new website

When starting a new website, it’s crucial to make all necessary adjustments to make the site “search engine friendly”. Here are some key points that you need to do:

  1. Choose relevant keywords: Select relevant keywords for your site and include them in the title, meta description, and content of your site.
  2. Optimize your content: Make sure the content on your site is relevant and useful for your target audience. Use headers and subheaders to make the content easy to read and scan.
  3. Use link building techniques: Get links to your site from other relevant sites, such as blogs and other sites in your industry. This will help improve your site’s authority and increase its visibility in search engines.
  4. Use Google Analytics: Install Google Analytics on your site to track traffic and key keywords. This will help identify which pages are performing well and which ones need improvement.
  5. Optimize your media: Add images and videos optimized for search engines to attract more traffic to your site.
  6. Analyze your competitors: Analyze what your competitors are doing and see how you can differentiate yourself and improve.
  7. Perform A/B testing: Test different titles, descriptions, and layouts to see which ones work best.

SEO e Java Script para aplicações Web

If you are part of a team that is developing a web application or even a website, you need to understand what Java Script is and know if the site will be made in Java Script.

We can delve into this subject a lot, but I will try to summarize it to make it as easy as possible for you.

  • What is Java Script?
  • How to know if a site is made in Java Script?
  • How to identify what Google sees from a Java Script site?
  • How to talk to the Technology team and explain to them the importance of specific rendering for Google?

Google Updates (algorithm updates)

Major updates to Google’s algorithm always stir the SEO community.

For those who work in the area, it is inevitable to discuss what the implications will be for sites in general, what optimizations need to be made, and what strategies will need to be changed.

Google Updates are usually triggered after real users encounter difficulties or bugs – this is when improvement opportunities appear.

Therefore, it is important that you follow Google Updates and exchange information with other people in the SEO community to find opportunities and devise new strategies.

What are the Google Updates?

The latest Core Update happened six months ago and became known as the May 2022 Core Update. Its objective was to make search results more useful for users and was the first Core Update of 2022.

In 2021, three Core Updates were released: November 2021 Core Update, July 2021 Core Update, and June 2021 Core Update.

In 2020, there were also three major changes: December 2020 Core Update, May 2020 Core Update, and January 2020 Core Update.

Where to follow Google Updates?

To ensure that you know what the latest updates are, Google Chrome can be automatically updated when a new version of the browser is available on your device. But if this option is not activated, you can check if there is a pending update through the Google Chrome notifications tab.

SEO is not just Google

As you can see in this article, SEO is not just for Google. It can also be used on the social networks you use, for the business you consume, or even when asking Alexa a question.

SEO is an essential factor when it comes to being found and, as mentioned in the first paragraphs of this text, if you are not found, you do not exist.

And that is why SEO is everywhere and so important in a connected society.

See below other places where you can (and should) use SEO:

SEO for YouTube

Posting a cool video isn’t enough. You need to understand SEO so that your video has good reach.

Contrary to what many people think, YouTube also functions as a search engine and therefore also needs optimization.

Therefore, by knowing the right SEO strategies for YouTube, you will be able to have a good ranking on this platform and consequently increase your views.

The goal of SEO for YouTube is simple: to deliver an increasingly better user experience for everyone.

Therefore, it is important that your channel and your videos are optimized for SEO. After all, that’s how YouTube will understand that your content is of quality and deserves to stand out.

If that’s what you’re looking for, apply these SEO techniques for YouTube:

  • Find keywords with good reach potential;
  • Create a catchy title;
  • Insert tags;
  • Write good descriptions using the chosen keyword;
  • Edit the file name with the keyword;
  • Create captions;
  • Promote the channel on other social networks.

The secret to doing good SEO for YouTube is to aim at the user experience because the algorithm values this and recognizes your optimization efforts.

SEO for Bing

If you want to stand out among so many other sites, investing in SEO techniques for Bing can be a good idea.

Although not as popular as Google, Bing is becoming increasingly relevant and still has some advantages over Google that many users like.

To give you an idea, Bing represents 4.57% of searches on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. And when we talk only about searches made through desktops, Bing becomes even more relevant: it has 8.59% of the market.

Among the advantages, we can mention: popular resources, lower bounce rate, exclusive audience of the engine.

The SEO techniques for Bing that you need to put into practice to have an optimized site are:

  • Think about user engagement with the content;
  • Increase click-through rates on pages;
  • Use connected pages resources in Bing;
  • Use backlinks;
  • Invest in anchor text;
  • Seek relevance on social networks.

Now that you have learned more about Bing and the importance of investing in SEO techniques, how about using the search engine? It can bring you good results.

SEO for Social Media

SEO for Social Media is essential for your company to have good interaction with the public, humanize your brand and generate countless opportunities to create engagement in the audience.

In addition, people have been using social networks as true search engines and you can apply SEO techniques within this universe so that your company can be found.

Follow these tips to optimize your social networks:

  • Get more followers to have authority;
  • Optimize your posts for searches;
  • Focus on the quality of the content;
  • Encourage the sharing of content;
  • Measure your results frequently;

There is undoubtedly a strong relationship between SEO and social networks. Are you ready to maximize your social channels and optimize your SEO strategy?

SEO for Instagram

Instagram is nowadays one of the best online platforms for those who work with marketing.

However, it is of no use to be present on the network and not know how to explore the best of your profile.

And SEO for Instagram comes just as a great ally! When we think of SEO for Instagram, the idea is to exchange the Google search engine for the social network.

For this, there are several techniques that can make a photo/video be shown to more people in an organic way. Such as: using keywords, making an attractive biography, and using hashtags.

These are simple techniques that you can apply in 5 minutes and that will generate a great result for your profile.

Amazon SEO

Investing in good Amazon SEO strategies allows you to maximize your sales and take advantage of this space full of qualified customers and buying opportunities.

Just like with other search engines, you can use SEO techniques to boost the ranking of your products on the Amazon website. Amazing, right?

A good way to do this is through long-tail keywords. This way, you have a higher potential for buyers to find your offers in organic searches and subsequently increase sales.

Amazon SEO is quite similar to other techniques used for Google, social media, or any web page.

However, the main difference lies in the algorithm construction, as Amazon uses different ranking factors that determine the value of your content and compares it to what is offered by competitors.

In any case, doing Amazon SEO will put you ahead of many competitors who do not and increase your chances of making sales!

Going beyond SEO

Now that you have learned about the various types of SEO, the great opportunities this strategy can provide, and how to apply it, I will give you a guide beyond SEO. First, a list of great experts, national and international, to follow on Twitter and LinkedIn:

SEO Experts to follow on Twitter in English:

  • @rustybrick – Algorithm Updates
  • @Marie_Haynes – Algorithm Updates
  • @glenngabe – Anything & Everything Google
  • @JoyanneHawkins – Local SEO
  • @Miriam_Ellis – Local SEO
  • @keyserholiday – GMB Spam
  • @nateliason – Content Marketing
  • @bill_slawski – Future of SEO & Google Patents
  • @SEOAware – Featured Snippets and Blogs
  • @mblumenthal – The Know All of Local SEO
  • @krystal_taing – GMB Bulk Uploads and Brands
  • @Suzzicks – Fraggles (Fragment & Handles)
  • @danaditomaso – Reporting & Analysis
  • @Jammer_Volts – Technical SEO
  • @BermanHale – Technical SEO
  • @aleyda – All Around Google & Agency Insight
  • @randfish – SEO Pioneer & Visionary
  • @lilyraynyc – All Around SEO (PS – She’s also a DJ!)
  • @dawnieando – All Around SEO
  • @ajkohn – All Around SEO
  • @LukaszZelezny – ROI Focused SEO
  • @izzionfire – Technical SEO
  • @natzir9 – Technical SEO
  • @fighto – Technical SEO
  • @rachellcostello – Technical SEO & Content
  • @iPullRank – SEO Consultant for Fortune 500’s
  • @Kevin_Indig – Content
  • @AlexisKSanders – Strategy
  • @CyrusShepard – Higher Rankings/Traffic/Insight
  • @GregGifford – Local SEO
  • @TheSocialDude – GMB Reinstatement
  • @AlanBleiweiss – Forensic SEO
  • @ReliablesoftNet – Traffic Building
  • @hamletbatista – Rank Tracking
  • @jroakes – Technical SEO
  • @martinibuster – SEO Vet. Since ’99
  • @DarrenShaw_ – Local SEO & Citations
  • @clairecarlile – Local SEO with SMB Focus
  • @SimoAhava – Google Tag Manager
  • @Backlinko – Backlinks
  • @moarinternets – Wayfair
  • @jackiecchu – Uber
  • @LukeTheMono – Lululemon
  • @jackson_lo – Shopify
  • @pitrow – Nike
  • @LidiaInfanteM – BigCommerce
  • @TylerReardon – Chewy
  • @cshel – ESPN
  • @RatishNaroor – Etsy
  • @eywu – Honey
  • @JShehata – Conde Nast
  • @w00t – GoodRX
  • @cejuma – PMC
  • @nicholek_barnes – Uber
  • @Eeysirhc – Uber
  • @Kevin_Indig – Shopify
  • @fighto – Shopify
  • @themerrymary – GOAT Group
  • @keithgoode – Cox Auto
  • @Crystal3Ortiz – Cox Auto
  • @shellyfagin – Credit Karma
  • @SEOAware – KBB & Autotrader
  • @crazywoody – Automation Anywhere
  • @JonasSickler – Terakeet
  • @Topheratl – CBS Sports
  • @thomcraver – CBS
  • @jpsherman – Red Hat
  • @jesseseogeek – IBM
  • @AndyMitty – Cloudflare
  • @Tilly_Haines – Seeker Digital
  • @victorpan – Hubspot
  • @areej_abuali
  • @jaredcarawaytx – Houston Methodist
  • @RyanRicketts – REI
  • @buzzcarter – DotcomBlinds
  • @mihir23192 – eBay
  • @LauraSlingo – Sage Group PLC
  • @OritSiMu – DataCamp
  • @izzionfire – RyteEN
  • @ChrisNicholsSEO – Kelley Blue Book
  • @patrickstox – Ahrefs
  • @RoxanaStingu – Alarmy
  • @shellyfagin – Credit Karma
  • @SebastianWeber – idealo
  • @nakulgoyal – Cardax

References for SEO to follow on Twitter in Portuguese:

  • Vitor Peçanha
  • Fabio Ricotta
  • Cassiano Travareli
  • Renato Mesquita
  • Thais Bittencourt
  • Letícia Nonato

References for SEO on LinkedIn in Portuguese:

  • Diego Ivo
  • Rosana Amaral
  • Felipe Bazon
  • Alexandre Kavinski
  • Carla Berni
  • Marcelo Arruda
  • Erich Casagrande
  • Roberta Selister
  • Eleonora Diniz
  • Lucas Ximenes
  • Renata Romic Galhardo
  • Thais Yumi
  • Mariana Cabral
  • Carminne Silva
  • Aline Rossi
  • Maudy Tadeu Pedrão
  • Carolina Peres
  • Mardem Reifison
  • Nilton Alvares
  • Filipe Schaab
  • Rafael Rez
  • Beatriz Abrantes
  • John (SEO) Martin
  • Lucas Maranho
  • Ewerton Silva
  • Felipe Cyrillo
  • Alexander Rodrigues Silva
  • Letícia Bernardino
  • Rafael Versiani
  • Gustavo Esteves
  • Micaela Rossetti
  • Amanda Pereira Santos
  • Henrique Zampronio
  • Alana Shmidt
  • Amanda Lyra
  • Taysa Bocard
  • Hermes Augusto
  • Rafael Simões
  • Andressa Laux
  • Thiago Loch
  • Luiz Fernando Bernardo
  • Luciana Pucirelli
  • Carolina Vicenzi
  • Amanda Noronha
  • Gustavo Sartori
  • Mariana Pessoa
  • Diana Martins
  • Lidiane Jannke
  • Victor Baptista
  • Alexandre Maio
  • Anna Paula Rodrigues
  • Daniel Paz
  • João Barbosa
  • Gabriel Barboza
  • Mariah Julia Peixoto
  • Guga Alves
  • Marcella Merigo
  • Rodolfo Sabino
  • Vinicius Oliveira
  • Pedro Henrique de Freitas

References about SEO in English

  • Glenn Gabe
  • Steven Macdonald
  • Lily Ray
  • Marie Haynes
  • Kevin Indig
  • Eli Schwartz
  • Tom Critchlow
  • Matt Diggity
  • Will Critchlow
  • Kyle Roof
  • Kristin Tynski
  • Carrie Rose
  • Fery Kaszoni
  • Ryan Stewart
  • Steve Toth
  • Nathan Gotch
  • Ross Hudgens
  • Ross Simmonds
  • Michael King
  • Derek Flink
  • Brian Dean
  • Neil Patel
  • Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR
  • Aleyda Solís
  • Andrew Holland
  • James Norquay
  • Rebekah Edwards
  • Daniel Foley Carter
  • Mark Williams-Cook
  • Brodie Clark
  • Chris Long
  • Nick LeRoy
  • Jake Ward
  • Sara Taher
  • Kevin Indig
  • Zoe Ashbridge
  • Barry Schwartz
  • Katlyn Edwards
  • Liam Fallen
  • Mihir Naik
  • Jamie Indigo
  • Kristina Azarenko
  • Ali Ali
  • Cyrus Shepard
  • Richard Fenning
  • Mordy Oberstein

References on SEO on LinkedIn in Spanish

  • Valentina Giraldo Sosa
  • Eric Mercier
  • Breno Latorre
  • Álex Serrano
  • Andres Kloster
  • Míguel Rodríguez
  • Lucía Rico
  • Ricardo Mendoza
  • Andrea Dominguez Aquino
  • Alejandro Eguia
  • Daniel Ulczyk
  • Carlos Pablak
  • Gaston Riera
  • Lino Uruñuela
  • Adrian Coutin
  • Minerva Sánchez
  • Estela Franco

Best books on SEO

  • SEO Marketing: The Ultimate Guide to SEO Marketing to Rank #1 on Google
  • True SEO: If it’s not on Google, it doesn’t exist
  • Introduction to SEO: Your Quick Guide to Efficient SEO Practices
  • The Long Tail

Best SEO courses

  • SEO Master: Free SEO Course in 7 Lessons
  • SEO Masterclass, from Rock Content
  • Hubspot Academy: SEO Certification Course
  • Mirago: Basic SEO Course
  • Eduk: SEO Course for Beginners

Main SEO events in Brazil (in-person and online)

  • SEO Summit
  • SEO Day

Main International SEO Events (in-person and online):

  • SearchLove Philadelphia
  • MnSearch Summit
  • MozCon
  • Content Marketing World
  • SearchLove

SEO Podcasts in English:

  • Experts on the Wire
  • Crawling Mondays
  • Search News You Can Use Podcast
  • SEO Newsletters in English:
  • SEO Notebook
  • Search News You Can Use
  • SEOforlunch
  • Search Engine Roundtable

Best SEO Agencies in Brazil:

  • Emarket
  • Mestre SEO
  • Conversion
  • C3Dweb Digital Agency
  • Magic Web Design

Best Hosting Servers for SEO:

  • Nuvem Hospedagem (for websites with audience in Brazil)
  • A2 Hosting
  • WordPress
  • Kinsta

SEO Awards in Brazil:

  • There are two main SEO awards in Brazil, which are:
  • Prêmio Digitalks | Profissional do Mercado Digital
  • DigiTalks

International SEO Awards:

  • SEMRush Awards
  • European Search Awards
  • US Search Awards
  • Global Search Awards

SEO Certifications:

  • BlueArray Academy
  • Frequently asked questions about SEO (short answers)

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a set of techniques used to achieve good positioning of a website’s pages in search engines, generating organic traffic.

What actions and techniques are part of SEO?

Keyword research, relevant content, on-page and off-page optimization, using H1, H2, and H3 tags, alt text on images, meta description, optimizing URL are part of SEO.

What are keywords?

A keyword is a word that summarizes the main themes of the text. It identifies important ideas and themes to serve as a reference for searches.

What are Google’s ranking factors?

Google’s ranking factors are criteria that the search engine takes into consideration to better position a site organically on the results page for a specific keyword search.

How does Google choose who appears first?

Google chooses who appears first based on its ranking factors. Some factors include keywords, relevant content, link building, optimizing images, attractive meta description, among others. To appear first on Google, it is necessary to implement an SEO strategy.

What is Google’s position zero?

Position zero is a box – also called Featured Snippets – that appears just above the first article placed in the organic search ranking. It presents objective answers for specific searches, with the aim of providing the best possible user experience when using the search engine.

How to appear first on Google?

To appear first on Google, it is necessary to consider some factors:

  • Understand how Google ranks websites
  • Define your keyword
  • Develop unique and quality content
  • Optimize images for SEO
  • Work well on on-page SEO
  • Do a good job of link building

What is the best CMS for SEO?

WordPress is the best CMS for SEO. This is already a consensus among companies and professionals who work with Google positioning.

Is WordPress good for SEO?

Yes, WordPress is good for SEO because it offers ease of use for its users, even beginners, to employ the best SEO practices. In addition, the platform has resources that facilitate the optimization of On Page and Off Page content.

Is Wix good for SEO?

Yes, Wix is good for SEO. Although Wix has faced issues with a wave of site deindexing by Google in the past, the tool has undergone many updates over time. So much so that today, the platform already has tools that help with SEO.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools for SEO?

Here are the AI tools for SEO: Alli AI, Diib, Squirrl, Linkhunter, Zen Writer, HubSpot.

What are the best SEO techniques?

The best SEO techniques are the use of relevant keywords, unique content, on-page and off-page optimization, title tags, text alt, and URL optimization.

What is Slow Content?

Slow Content is a trend for Content Marketing that aims to slow down the speed of content production. The intention is to prioritize the quality of each material built, rather than the quantity of posts.

How to use Storytelling with SEO?

Storytelling is the ability to tell stories with the aim of awakening different feelings in people. Combined with SEO, your stories can reach the top of Google rankings.

What is Google Web Stories?

Web Stories are story-format cards, like those on Instagram. The goal is to improve the user experience when consuming content on the web, especially on mobile devices.

How to delete a page from Google?

According to Google support, to delete a page from Google, follow these steps:

  • On your computer, open a site in classic Google Sites.
  • Click on the page you want to delete.
  • In the upper right corner, click More actions. Delete page.
  • Click Delete.

Why does Google rewrite my page titles?

Google rewrites your page titles because it believes that its algorithm can improve their quality.

How to optimize my Instagram for SEO?

To optimize your Instagram for SEO, make your profile public, use keywords in your bio and captions, create direct links, use Instagram Business and its tools, and invest in influencer marketing.

What does an SEO professional do?

An SEO professional is responsible for optimizing all website pages to achieve the best possible ranking. They have four main functions: keyword research, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and metrics analysis.

How much does an SEO professional earn?

On average, an SEO professional in Brazil earns R$ 2,578.00 per month. However, it is important to note that this will depend on the level of technical knowledge and experience in the job market.

What is the difference between SEO and copywriting?

SEO is a set of techniques that help to better position your content in search results. Copywriting, on the other hand, is a writing strategy that leads the reader to take a specific action.

What aspects do not impact Google ranking?

Aspects that do not impact Google ranking include: domain registration duration, integrating Google Analytics and Google Search Console into the site, readability level, frequency of site updates, among others.

How to do good SEO for YouTube?

To do good SEO for YouTube, it is important to:

  • Define the video’s keyword
  • Use tags related to the video’s theme
  • Write an interesting description about the main topic
  • Produce quality and in-depth content on the subject
  • Add captions whenever possible

By following these recommendations, your video will have good optimization for YouTube and be ready to be discovered by those searching for the topic.

Did you like learning EVERYTHING ABOUT SEO, young one? Then don’t forget to follow my blog to stay updated on the universe of SEO and Digital Marketing.

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