Want to increase visits to your website? One way to appear on Google is by registering your site on Google News!
It has a similar proposal to Google Discovery, and if you want to appear on Google, it’s certainly worth indexing your site on Google News.
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What is Google News?
Google News is an online news platform from Google that gathers articles from newspapers, magazines, television stations, and blogs from around the world.
Its goal is to provide users with access to a wide variety of news sources, with the aim of offering a more comprehensive view of a particular subject or event.
In addition, the tool offers personalized news based on the user’s preferences and allows them to follow specific sources and topics.
The platform is available in multiple languages and is accessible on both mobile and desktop devices.
It is a useful tool for staying up to date with the latest news in a quick and efficient manner.
How does it work?
Google News works by collecting data and information from various news sources, which are organized into categories such as politics, sports, entertainment, technology, among others.
These news stories are then selected and presented to users through an algorithm that evaluates their relevance and timeliness, in order to present the most important and relevant news at that moment.
In this way, users can also customize their news experience by choosing the sources they want to follow and the categories of subjects that interest them.
Additionally, it is possible to save news for later reading, share with friends and colleagues, and even provide feedback to the Google team.
Advantages of the tool for users
Google News offers several advantages for its users, including:
Access to a wide variety of news sources
By gathering news reports from sources around the world, Google News allows users to have access to a wide variety of perspectives and information on a given subject or event.
Real-time updates
Google News presents the most recent and up-to-date news in real-time so that users can always be up-to-date on the most relevant topics.
Customization of the news experience
Users can choose the news sources and subject categories that interest them, for a more personalized and relevant news experience.
In summary, Google News is an online news platform that allows users to access a wide variety of news sources, with up-to-date information in real-time, and a personalized news experience.
And we know that user experience counts for a lot to Google!
Advantages of having my site on Google News
In addition to having several advantages for users, having a website included in Google News can bring many benefits to your company or organization.
Here are some of these advantages:
By being included in Google News, your website can be easily found by users who are searching for news on the internet. This increases your visibility and the reach of your site, helping to attract new visitors.
Being included in Google News is an indication that your site is trustworthy and provides quality news. Thus, the credibility of your site can increase and help establish your brand as a reliable source of information.
Since Google News is a popular source of news, having a website included in it can lead to a significant increase in website traffic. This can help attract new customers and increase your follower base.
Search engine optimization
Google News uses its own criteria to rank news and websites. By meeting these criteria, you can improve the optimization of your site for search engines, which will help increase your visibility even more.
Overall, having a website included in Google News can bring many benefits to your company or organization.
How do I get my site to appear on Google News?
Google News is a powerful tool for attracting traffic to your site, but to appear in it you need to follow some guidelines and best practices.
Here are some tips to help your site be included in the tool:
- Quality content
- Frequent updates
- Proper site setup
- News format
- Journalistic credibility and integrity
Quality content: Your site’s content should be original, current, and relevant to your audience. It is important to produce informative, accurate, and well-written articles that are unique to your site.
Frequent updates: Google News favors sites that regularly update with new news and information. Therefore, it is important that you publish new content regularly.
Proper site setup: It is important that your site is properly configured and has a good structure. The platform requires that your site has a clearly identifiable news section and that news is published with specific tags, such as “title”, “description”, and “keywords”.
News format: News should be published in text format and not in image or video format. Additionally, it is important that news has a clear publication date and author source.
Journalistic credibility and integrity: Google News selects sites with journalistic credibility and integrity. Therefore, it is important that you avoid spam practices, fake news, and sensationalist content to avoid being banned from Google News.
By following these tips, you can achieve a stronger presence on Google News and attract more traffic to your site!
Google News content policies
However, although Google News has several advantages and benefits for your site, it is important to ensure that the content displayed is of quality and reliable, as Google implements strict content policies.
Here’s what Google prohibits from being published:
Prohibited Content
The platform prohibits the publication of illegal, offensive, harmful, or violent content. This includes, but is not limited to, content related to violence, pornography, hate, hate speech, and incitement to violence.
Fact Checking
Google requires all news sources to carefully verify their information before publishing it. False or misleading news will be removed from Google News.
Duplicate Content
Although obvious, the publication of duplicate content is not allowed. This means that a news story can only be displayed once, even if it is published by different sources.
Commercial Content
Google News does not allow the publication of commercial or promotional content unless it is clearly identified as such.
Sensationalist Content
The publication of sensationalist or alarmist news, which aims to attract traffic through exaggerated headlines or misleading information, is also prohibited.
The platform values the quality of content and requires all news sources to publish accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information.
Therefore, content policies are designed to ensure that the displayed content is accurate, reliable, and of high quality.
Any violation of these policies may result in the removal of content or the news source from the tool.
Now that you know everything about Google News, do you think it’s worth signing up? I bet your answer is yes!
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